Sunday, July 30, 2006

Of things unsaid...

Ever had to see anyone you love suffer? The pain is almost tangible….
All you want to do is to hug them but you wouldn’t even find the strength to feel them at your finger tips ….
All you want to do is fill their life with happiness but you feel a void filled inside you…
All you want is to talk them out of it but you just can’t find the words…
All you want is to help them but find yourself helpless….
All you want is to make them laugh but you’ll find yourself crying intolerably…
In short you’d want to do everything and anything just to make them smile again but there comes a point in life where nothing you do can make any difference…You find yourself waking up every morning to the hope of some miracle to happen to make them happy again… you find yourself listening to people around you but you comprehend find yourself staring at something but seeing go on by your life regularly, your chores, your responsibilities, everything goes on normally… all except for the fact that you are unaware of your surroundings, an alien in your own world… wondering and hoping that one day everything would be normal again…

Monday, July 10, 2006

My tryst with destiny!

Me: who are you?
Mr D: I haven’t been posed a more flagrant question.
Me: you continue to elude me, so why don’t you tell me exactly who are you?
Mr D: who do you think I am?
Me: a question is not the answer to a question.
Mr D: okay you seem to be a difficult customer.
Me : am waiting…..
Mr D: okay okay let’s see, I am what you make me to be.
Me : you are as obscure as ever.
Mr D : I am flattered by your interest in me.
Me: cut that out and answer me won’t you?
Mr D : okay since most of the time I am an object of blame and been looked upon with prejudice and since you have given me the benefit of doubt, I will answer you
Me : finally !!
Mr D: but there is one condition…
Me : there he goes again!!!
Mr D: you must first tell me what is it about me that mystifies you and what is it that you so seemingly want to know about me..
Me: well….
Mr D : I guess it’s now my turn to wait…
Me: people say you are someone who is predefined…
Mr D: and what do you think?
Me: I dunno….
Mr D: okay take a guess…
Me: hmmm.. I think nothing is predefined in life…
Mr D: very good…
Me : I am right am I ?
Mr D: partly…
Me: don’t start that again…can’t you be clear for once?
Mr D: okay I am like the end of the road, which is predefined…
Me: so you are already defined?
Mr D: nope as I said, only the end of the road is defined…the path you take to reach me is entirely your discretion …
Me: you amuse me…
Mr D: and you flatter me all the more…okay what else do you know about me?
Me : hmm lets’ see …people often refer to you when they are in distress…
Mr D: I seriously doubt whether it is a boon or a bane….
Me : I definitely think it is a bane…
Mr D: well I would feel very happy if someone in distress thinks of me as their support…
Me: yeah but always?
Mr D: well it does get on to my nerves sometimes …
Me: no it isn’t like that…you don’t understand…
Mr D: exactly what don’t I understand?
Me: its’ like they blame you for what’s happening… it is as if you are the cause for their grief…
Mr D: well I used to get angry when I was young but now I got used to it …
Me : so what you don’t get mad at them at all?
Mr D: you know what is the easiest thing to do when you are in distress?
Me : no…
Mr D: it is to blame someone else for it..
Me : but how will that help?
Mr D : it releases us from the burden of being responsible for our actions…
Me : but we are responsible for actions…
Mr D: I dunno whether you are naïve or you are trying to humour me…
Me : speak in English you fool…how can anyone else be responsible for things we do…
Mr D : have you ever heard of the term circumstances?
Me : yeah …
Mr D : don’t you think they also play a role in what you do…
Me : might be, but not always…most of the times we are in the circumstances we are because we acted in a way that has put us in that situation… its something like the cause and effect…
Mr D : a very good insight…if everyone thinks like you, I will be saved some attention… not that I don’t enjoy it…
Me: you enjoy it?
Mr D: well, being a celebrity is not everyone’s cup of tea…anyway…you say most of the times…what about the rest?
Me: well, those are the times I end up in situations which on retrospection I realize I have no need to be there at all….
Mr D : why do you think that is?
Me : I dunno may be its’ bound to happen that way…
Mr D : oh common don’t be such a loser… think
Me : it happens for a reason I do not understand…
Mr D : are you happy or sad about it…
Me : mixed…
Mr D : can you be clear?
Me : now you know how it feels?
Mr D : ok could you please explain yourself..
Me : well I sometimes feel helpless…I mean dependent on something has never been something I am used to…I feel like I should control the situation…I feel frustrated …
Mr D : I always look for an exception but ok as always the negative part came out first…now for the positive?
Me : well I feel so helpless I try to console myself just by telling myself may be something better will come out of it…you know what I mean don’t you?
Mr D: I might have a faint idea…
Me : oh common!!
Mr D: ok ok you know what I said I am partly defined?
Me : how can I forget?
Mr D : well, this is one of those aspects…it is the benevolence of the creator that I am so dynamic not to mention dashing…
Me : for crying out loud…don’t be so modest
Mr D : see god always puts us in these situations to bring out the best in us
Me: how can subjecting someone to pain bring out the best in them you moron
Mr D : now you are talking… it is simple god always gives us two choices in each situation …
Me: yeah I know that …everyone keeps harping about it…something like good and bad…
Mr D : how painfully obvious !! and not necessarily true..
Me : what do you mean?
Mr D : well , it’s just that when god presents us with a situation, yeah I am consciously using the word present, you’ll know later why, He also gives us two ways out…one is the right way
Me: hey that’s what I said….
Mr D : listen to me completely kiddo…the other one is what might make us happy…which need not necessarily be wrong…
Me: ok then the choice is obvious right … we’ll all pick the one that makes us happy…which idiot will pick the right one if it doesn’t make us happy?
Mr D : your blatant ness is like music to my ears…but it isn’t that simple
Me: what is not simple between picking something that makes us happy and something which only nutters will pick..
Mr D : well most of the times the thing which we think will make us happy will not…we just assumed that it will…
Me : so you feel we need to pick that seems not to make us happy at all…
Mr D : phew you are difficult aren’t you?
Me : well if you could explain clearly it will be easy for both of us…
Mr D : ok here’s the deal…it is this choice, to pick the right one is the essence of life-mine and yours…
Me: still don’t get you…
Mr D : it is the challenge with which god has presented you… the way you choose to deal with it decides the path and the time it takes for you to reach me…
Me: so the good guys reach you first by taking the right decisions and that’s why they don’t live long…
Mr D : I have never heard a more misconstrued version of what I said …
Me : so what happens if we don’t take the right decision?
Mr D: thats the beauty of it
Me : well one thing is for sure ,you and I definitely differ on our notion of what beauty is…whats so beautiful about that?
Mr D: well to start with if you take a decision, God puts you in one path and if you take another he puts you on another path…
Me : so they are right everything is predefined…
Mr D: you are tempting me use the M word but anyways don’t you see it is entirely your decision which way you go…
Me: but that’s a huge responsibility
Mr D : its what makes you what you are
Me: what if I choose to do nothing about it
Mr D : you are chickening out like most do… but think about it… if you choose nothing to do about it… even that’s a decision my friend…
Me : ok so its all like a maze aint it? A very complicated maze…
Mr D : perfect…but I wouldn’t bother much about the complication you know…that’s what makes it exciting
Me : so god has spent so much time on me alone?
Mr D : now you get it ? why I call it a present? Just think for a moment…if you are not where you are…think of where you might be and you would feel that may be this is better…because its where god wants you to be…
Me: yeah its unbelievable…I mean I suddenly feel so important…
Mr D: you are…
Me : ok where do you fit in?
Mr D : you still don’t see it?
Me : I have a faint idea…
Mr D : shoot…
Me : you are not what people perceive you to be…
Mr D: on the contrary I am exactly what people perceive me to be…I dunno what’s the fuss about me, but I do definitely enjoy it…
Me : you will continue to amaze me don’t you?
Mr D: grow old with me, the best is yet to be…